I was curious as a child, like many children are. I asked my parents lots of questions, like
“Why is the sky blue?”
“How do airplanes fly?”
“How do tides work?”
“Why are some stars brighter than others?”
and other questions similar to those.

I wanted to know how the world around me worked, and thankfully my dad knew a lot about a lot of things and could answer my questions. I liked that he had the answers so I could learn more and understand why things are the way that they are. It’s so important for children to get answers to the questions that they have so that they will continue being curious, asking questions, and learning. The majority of us don’t know all the answers to children’s questions off the top of our heads, but that’s okay because we do have the internet available to look up the answers!
I started That’s Gneiss to be a place with answers to science questions, so curious kids and curious adults can get answers and understand more about the world around them. My goal is to make the information here simple enough that an elementary school aged child can understand it, but also engaging enough that people of any age can enjoy learning about the world.
I spent my childhood in San Diego, California. I lived close to the beach and my family went frequently. I still love going to the beach when I can. I lived in Northern Virginia during my high school years, then I went to school at Brigham Young University in Utah. After a year there I spent a year and a half as a missionary in Bahia, Brazil before returning to school.
I studied Geology at Brigham Young University and graduated in June 2018. I enjoyed studying geology because I learned all about how the world formed and how it works. I went on a lot of field trips and could see the things that I was learning about in action. I know that not everybody will study geology or even take a geology class, but I believe that this information is fun and exciting and everybody should be able to understand it even without a degree in the subject. In college I participated in academic research about the Little Cottonwood Granite and a mineral called titanite, and my work was included in a publication in a scientific journal. If you would like a copy of the paper, let me know and I can send you a pdf! I also have written a couple of articles for STEMtaught, a journal for elementary school children dealing with different STEM topics. An example of my published work can be seen on their featured authors page here.
I have been married to my husband, Josh, since July 2016. We are now living in the Washington, D.C. area, and we love it here. I wanted to find a way to continue learning more about the world around me, so I decided to start That's Gneiss. Now, as I am writing articles, I can continue to learn and help others learn too! I hope that you enjoy learning new things as much as I do!
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